Permissionless proof-of-reputation-X: A hybrid reputation-based consensus algorithm for permissionless blockchains
【Author】 Bou Abdo, Jacques; El Sibai, Rayane; Demerjian, Jacques
【Abstract】Over the past years, blockchain technology has become more and more interesting since its ability to carry out transactions without any mediator. To ensure the transactions' reliability, consensus algorithms are adopted by blockchain technology. However, due to the failure of consensus algorithms in managing nodes' identities, blockchain technology is considered inappropriate for many applications. In this article, we propose the permissionless proof-of-reputation-X (PL-PoRX) that upgrades an existing consensus algorithm, the proof-of-reputation-X (PoRX). PL-PoRX replaces the trusted identity database in PoRX with a new admission process to make the algorithm suitable for permissionless blockchains, while maintaining PoRX's reputation mechanism. Several experiments are conducted to show the efficiency of our approach under different scenarios. We also debate the security model of the new protocol and study its time complexity. The results show that PL-PoRX decreases the number of blocks issued by malicious miners, and help benign miners build reputation faster.
【发表时间】2020 JAN
【DOI】 10.1002/ett.4148