When Web 3.0 Meets Reality: A Hyperdimensional Fractal Polytope P2P Ecosystem
【Author】 Xu, Hao; Sun, Yunqing; Zhang, Xiaoshuai; Liu, Erwu; Chih-Lin, I
【Abstract】Web 3.0 introduces the concept of crypto-network entities, which are independently defined by public key pairs and connected to Web 3.0 cyberspace. In this paper, we present a spacetime coordinate system that is based on fractal polytopes in any dimension, utilizing blockchain technology for discrete time and consensus. Furthermore, we define novel network entities and functions that utilize hyperdimensional deterministic switching and routing protocols, as well as blockchain-enabled mutual authentication. In addition to our spacetime network architecture, we devise a multi-tier identity scheme that extends the native Web 3.0 crypto-network-entity to the outer cyber and physical world, including internet infrastructure and future generations of mobile networks, such as 6G. This provides legal compliance with anonymity and linkability to all derived identifiers of entities. By integrating crypto-network entities and novel hyperdimensional space-time networks, we establish a unified, holistic Web 3.0 network that is persistent in both spacetimes and extended to our cyber and physical world.
【Keywords】Semantic Web; Blockchains; Fractals; IP networks; Peer-to-peer computing; Routing; Shape; Web 3.0; Fractal network; Decentralized infrastructure and identity; Blockchain; Polytope
【发表时间】2025 JAN