DDNB-Doubly Decentralized Network Blockchain Architecture for Application Services
【Author】 Seol, Youhwan; Ahn, Jaehong; Park, Sehyun; Ji, Mookeun; Chae, Heungseok; Yi, Jiheon; Paek, Jeongyeup
【Abstract】Decentralization and immutability characteristics of blockchain technology has attracted numerous blockchain-based systems and applications to be proposed. However, technical shortcomings such as low transaction speed, complexity, scalability, and vulnerability to certain attacks have been identified, making it challenging to use the technology on general consumer applications and services. To address the problem, we propose a new application service platform architecture called DDNB (Doubly Decentralized Network Blockchain). DDNB divides the system into multiple layers in order to take advantage of permissioned blockchain for its processing speed and security, while allowing permissionless open use of the system to application developers. To allow any node to freely participate in application services, DDNB adopts a novel periodicnode self-verificationprocess andquery chainingmechanism to authenticate newly joining nodes and validate transactions effectively and efficiently. The proposed architecture is evaluated in terms of its processing speed and security on a real proof-of-concept prototype system.
【Keywords】blockchain; decentralization; hierarchical architecture; application platform
【发表时间】2020 AUG
【DOI】 10.3390/app10155212