Decision-making process and evaluation of public health interventions
【Author】 Salmi, L. -r.; Noelc, L.; Saillour-Glenissona, F.
【Abstract】Objective. - We have designed a methodological framework for experts involved in the support of decision -making in public health interventions. Methods. - The methodological framework consists of four elements: 1) A series of nine questions, formula-ted in non-technical terms, relevant to assessment of the usefulness of an intervention, at a given time in a given context; 2) Translation of these questions into concepts related to the evaluation of interventions (defi-nition of the intervention, its target and objective, potential and actual effectiveness, safety, efficiency, and equity); 3) Logical organization of the information needed to address and answer the questions; and 4) An algorithm to translate the available information into recommendations on the real usefulness of the inter-vention in the context in which the questions were raised. Results. - Each step is illustrated by questions raised about road safety interventions, screening, blood trans-fusion and measures proposed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion. - Decision-making can be facilitated if experts provide decision-makers with a formal summary of the strengths and weaknesses of existing knowledge, based on an analysis of all facets of an intervention's potential usefulness. (c) 2022 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
【Keywords】Evaluation; Decision-making support techniques; Public health; Methods
【发表时间】2023 APR