Overview of Internet of Medical Things Security Based on Blockchain Access Control
【Author】 Liu, Yikai; Ju, Fenglan; Zhang, Qunwei; Zhang, Meng; Ma, Zezhong; Li, Mingduo; Yang, Aimin; Liu, Fengchun
【Abstract】The Internet of Things provides convenience to health systems, especially for remote monitoring of patient physical indicators. While providing convenience, there may be more security vulnerabilities in protecting patient and doctor information and storing health data effectively. As an important research branch in the field of the Internet of Things, the Internet of Medical Things is important for the overall improvement of public health in terms of how to safely conduct technology development and application research and to effectively implement healthcare needs. Blockchain technology is decentralized and untrusted as well as prevents tampering with data and reduces the cost of trust. Its good performance has a strong developmental nature in the healthcare field. This paper analyses how to solve security problems through access control under the Internet of Medical Things, and optimizes three access control methods. The Internet of Medical Things accesses control approach that introduces blockchain technology enhances computational and storage capabilities and is a good solution to the problem of third-party trustworthiness. Even in the face of the rapid growth of end devices, blockchain technology can solve some of the problems arising from access control of massive devices through three directions: hierarchical management, compressed storage and performance optimization. Finally, it provides directions for future research on the security aspects of blockchain technology under the Internet of Medical Things.
【Keywords】Access Control; Blockchain; Computational Capabilities; Health Systems; Internet of Medical Things; Network Security; Remote Monitoring; Storage Capabilities
【DOI】 10.4018/JDM.321545