Privacy preserving transparent supply chain management through Hyperledger Fabric
【Author】 Ravi, Deebthik; Ramachandran, Sashank; Vignesh, Raahul; Falmari, Vinod Ramesh; Brindha, M.
【Abstract】The revolution of blockchain technology started in the form of a cryptocurrency called Bitcoin. In recent years, this decentralized technology has attained worldwide adoption and growth in multiple sectors, including egovernance, e-commerce, and asset management. Having disrupted these sectors, the choice of blockchain technology to solve real-world problems concerning supply chain seems to be an innovative strategy. In this paper, an attempt is made to analyze blockchain's ability to improve the standards of supply chain management. This paper includes a methodology to implement the suggested idea using a permissioned blockchain platform-Hyperledger Fabric. For the paper's scope, the existing supply chain problems, such as data integrity, provenance transparency, privacy, and security, are given emphasis more specifically in the context of the coffee supply chain industry, while also concurrently attempting to generalize the solution to manage other supply chain activities effectively. Thus, the final objective of this research is to identify whether permissioned blockchain platforms could help stakeholders in the supply chain industry engage in a less-corruptible alternative to traditional web technology and whether they could enable a more positively nuanced blockchain system that draws the best balance between traditional web technology and a public blockchain, including privacy protection and security.
【Keywords】Permissioned blockchain; Supply chain; Hyperledger Fabric; Provenance; Privacy protection; Security; Modularity
【发表时间】2022 JUN