Applicability of Intrusion Detection System on Ethereum Attacks: A Comprehensive Review
【Author】 Kabla, Arkan Hammoodi Hasan; Anbar, Mohammed; Manickam, Selvakumar; Al-Amiedy, Taief Alaa; Cruspe, Peterson Bernabe; Al-Ani, Ahmed K.; Karuppayah, Shankar
【Abstract】For many reasons, Ethereum attracts more investors, researchers, and even scammers; this is the first platform that enables the new Decentralized Applications (DApps) to run on top of the blockchain network. However, the rich semantics and applications of DApps inevitably introduce many security issues that have grabbed significant attention from industry and academics due to their destructive impact on DApps in recent years. Therefore, there is a vital need to study the applicability of Intrusion Detection System in detecting Ethereum-based attacks. Hence, this paper is among the first comprehensive review that studies the applicability of IDS in detecting Ethereum-based attacks. In addition, this paper lists all the potential attacks on Ethereum passing through the vulnerabilities that cause those attacks and ending with the consequences of each attack. Furthermore, this paper analyses all the IDS-based related works of Ethereum attacks detection since the Ethereum platform was launched in 2015. Finally, this paper discusses the open issues regarding vulnerabilities and attacks, challenges, and future directions.
【Keywords】Blockchains; Decentralized applications; Peer-to-peer computing; Smart contracts; Intrusion detection; Bitcoin; Data structures; Anomaly detection; blockchain; cryptocurrency; Ethereum attacks; Ethereum vulnerabilities; intrusion detection system; Kademlia; P2P network; smart contracts; transaction