A multi-dimension traceable privacy-preserving prevention and control scheme of the COVID-19 epidemic based on blockchain
【Author】 Yao, Shixiong; Jing, Pujie; Li, Pei; Chen, Jiageng
【Abstract】The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought great pain to people around the world. As an epidemic prevention and control measure, the health QR code (HC) has been designed to trace the confirmed cases and close contacts quickly. Although some existing health code schemes preserve the privacy, but most of them are either unsupported for fine-grained auditability or centralised health code storage. Therefore, we propose a multi-dimension traceable privacy-preserving HC scheme based on blockchain. It prevents health code information being tampered with and supports the traceability of virus transmission chain. We utilise attribute-based encryption to protect residents' privacy information and achieve fine-grained access control. Furthermore, to support the multi-dimension traceability by the epidemic prevention and control departments, the searchable encryption has been introduced. Finally, we give the security analysis and performance evaluation to verify the feasibility and practical significance of our scheme.
【Keywords】Health QR code; HyperLedger Fabric; CP-ABE; searchable encryption
【发表时间】2022 DEC 31