Linkage of blockchain to enterprise resource planning systems for improving sustainable performance
【Author】 Sislian, Lucie; Jaegler, Anicia
【Abstract】The present article analyzes the use of enterprise resources planning (ERP) packages to be part of the solution for the main issues related to the blockchain. ERP modules have been listed and tested against seven propositions, to check the ability to better use ERP for solving blockchain concerns. The research is based on the previous study of Saberi et al. (2019; 10.1080/00207543.2018.1533261) about the relationship between sustainable supply chain management and blockchain. We use structural equation modeling (SEM) to check the validity of the propositions. Based on the results, we propose recommendations for companies to sustainably improve their supply chain strategy with the use of blockchain, along with ERP modules. The results show that the selected companies would benefit from ERP and blockchain technology integration, as they both improve their sustainable corporate performance and integrate them more successfully in the supply chain. ERP and blockchain are to be used together to approach today's challenges and better prepare companies for the uncertain future.
【Keywords】blockchain; cryptocurrency; digital supply chain; enterprise resources planning (ERP); structural equation modeling (SEM); sustainable supply chain
【DOI】 10.1002/bse.2914