A Privacy-Preserving Mobile Crowdsensing Scheme Based on Blockchain and Trusted Execution Environment
【Author】 Peng, Tao; Guan, Kejian; Liu, Jierong
【Abstract】A mobile crowdsensing system (MCS) utilizes a crowd of users to collect large-scale data using their mobile devices efficiently. The collected data are usually linked with sensitive information, raising the concerns of user privacy leakage. To date, many approaches have been proposed to protect the users' privacy, with the majority relying on a centralized structure, which poses though attack and intrusion vulnerability. Some studies build a distributed platform exploiting a blockchain-type solution, which still requires a fully trusted third party (TTP) to manage a reliable reward distribution in the MCS. Spurred by the deficiencies of current methods, we propose a distributed user privacy protection structure that combines blockchain and a trusted execution environment (TEE). The proposed architecture successfully manages the users' privacy protection and an accurate reward distribution without requiring a TTP. This is because the encryption algorithms ensure data confidentiality and uncouple the correlation between the users' identity and the sensitive information in the collected data. Accordingly, the smart contract signature is used to manage the user deposit and verify the data. Extensive comparative experiments verify the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed combined blockchain and TEE scheme.
【Keywords】mobile crowdsensing system; blockchain; trusted execution environment; privacy preservation; encryption
【发表时间】2022 FEB