Spatial poetics, place, non-place and storyworlds: Intimate spaces for metaverse avatars
【Author】 Ayiter, Elif
【Abstract】This article will ask questions that connect the conceptions of Marc Auges 'place/non-place' and Gaston Bachelard's 'poetic space' to the avatar of real-time, perpetual, online, three-dimensional virtual builder's worlds, also known as the metaverse. Are metaverses 'places' or 'non-places'? Do we actually live in the metaverse or do we just traverse these worlds very much in the sense that Marc Auge defines them as transitional loci that are assigned only to circumscribed and specific positions? The question following from this is whether there are nevertheless three-dimensionally embodied virtual spaces that go beyond being transitional 'non-places' to locations in which an imaginative relationship to architecture in the sense in which Bachelard describes them in his seminal work The Poetics of Space (1958) or that correspond to Marc Auge's definition of 'place' exist.
【Keywords】place; non-place; poetic space; storyworlds; metaverse; daydreaming
【发表时间】2019 JUN
【DOI】 10.1386/tear_00013_1