Ensuring Data Integrity in Databases with the Universal Basis of Relations
【Author】 Yesin, Vitalii; Karpinski, Mikolaj; Yesina, Maryna; Vilihura, Vladyslav; Warwas, Kornel
【Abstract】The objective of the paper was to reveal the main techniques and means of ensuring the integrity of data and persistent stored database modules implemented in accordance with the recommendations of the Clark-Wilson model as a methodological basis for building a system that ensures integrity. The considered database was built according to the schema with the universal basis of relations. The mechanisms developed in the process of researching the problem of ensuring the integrity of the data and programs of such a database were based on the provisions of the relational database theory, the Row Level Security technology, the potential of the modern blockchain model, and the capabilities of the database management system on the platform of which databases with the universal basis of relations are implemented. The implementation of the proposed techniques and means, controlling the integrity of the database of stored elements, prevents their unauthorized modification by authorized subjects and hinders the introduction of changes by unauthorized subjects. As a result, the stored data and programs remain correct, unaltered, undistorted, and preserved. This means that databases built based on a schema with the universal basis of relations and supported by such mechanisms are protected in terms of integrity.
【Keywords】integrity; database; database with the universal basis of relations; Clark-Wilson model
【发表时间】2021 SEP
【DOI】 10.3390/app11188781