Evaluation and Demonstration of Blockchain Applicability Framework[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT 2020(67) Gourisetti, Sri Nikhil Gupta Mylrea, Michael Patangia, Hirak
Assessment of the Distributed Ledger Technology for Energy Sector Industrial and Operational Applications Using the MITRE ATT & CK (R) ICS Matrix[J] IEEE ACCESS 2023(11) Lee, Annabelle Gourisetti, Sri Nikhil Gupta Sebastian-Cardenas, David Jonathan Lambert, Kent Navarro, Vicente Pasetti, Marco Cali, Umit Isirova, Kateryna Reddi, Ramesh Nitu, Puica Touhiduzzaman, Md. Mylrea, Michael Huff, Philip Rahimi, Farrokh Saha, Shammya Shananda