DLT-based equity crowdfunding on the techno-economic feasibility of solar energy investments[J] SOLAR ENERGY 2021(227) Halden, Ugur Cali, Umit Dynge, Marthe Fogstad Stekli, Joseph Bai, Linquan
Assessment of the Distributed Ledger Technology for Energy Sector Industrial and Operational Applications Using the MITRE ATT & CK (R) ICS Matrix[J] IEEE ACCESS 2023(11) Lee, Annabelle Gourisetti, Sri Nikhil Gupta Sebastian-Cardenas, David Jonathan Lambert, Kent Navarro, Vicente Pasetti, Marco Cali, Umit Isirova, Kateryna Reddi, Ramesh Nitu, Puica Touhiduzzaman, Md. Mylrea, Michael Huff, Philip Rahimi, Farrokh Saha, Shammya Shananda
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Energy Policy Instruments for Distributed Ledger Technology Empowered Peer-to-Peer Local Energy Markets[J] IEEE ACCESS 2019(7) Cali, Umit Cakir, Ozan
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Cybersecure and scalable, token-based renewable energy certificate framework using blockchain-enabled trading platform[J] ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Cali, Umit Kuzlu, Murat Sebastian-Cardenas, D. Jonathan Elma, Onur Pipattanasomporn, Manisa Reddi, Ramesh
Cybersecurity and Privacy Aspects of Smart Contracts in the Energy Domain[C] 2022 IEEE 1ST GLOBAL EMERGING TECHNOLOGY BLOCKCHAIN FORUM: BLOCKCHAIN & BEYOND, IGETBLOCKCHAIN 2022 Sebastian-Cardenas, D. Jonathan Gourisetti, Sri Nikhil Gupta Saha, Shammya Shananda Khan, Komal Tillman, Leonard C. Cali, Umit Hughes, Tamara
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