Unblocking the chain - findings from an executive workshop on blockchain in the supply chain[J] SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 2020(25) van Hoek, Remko
Developing a framework for considering blockchain pilots in the supply chain - lessons from early industry adopters[J] SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL 2020(25) van Hoek, Remko
Exploring blockchain implementation in the supply chain: Learning from pioneers and RFID research[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT 2019(39) van Hoek, Remko
Where we are heading and the research that can help us get there - Executive perspectives on the anniversary of the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management[J] JOURNAL OF PURCHASING AND SUPPLY MANAGEMENT 2020(26) van Hoek, Remko Sankararaman, Vijay Udesen, Thomas Geurts, Ton Palumbo-Miele, Donna
How Walmart Canada Used Blockchain Technology to Reimagine Freight Invoice Processing[J] MIS QUARTERLY EXECUTIVE 2021(20) Lacity, Mary C. Van Hoek, Remko
Intra- and Interorganizational Barriers to Blockchain Adoption: A General Assessment and Coping Strategies in the Agrifood Industry[J] LOGISTICS-BASEL 2021(5) Treiblmaier, Horst Rejeb, Abderahman van Hoek, Remko Lacity, Mary