Improving Interorganizational Information Sharing for Vendor Managed Inventory: Toward a Decentralized Information Hub Using Blockchain Technology[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT 2020(67) Guggenberger, Tobias Schweizer, Andre Urbach, Nils
To What Extent Will Blockchain Drive the Machine Economy? Perspectives From a Prospective Study[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT 2020(67) Schweizer, Andre Knoll, Patricia Urbach, Nils von der Gracht, Heiko Andreas Hardjono, Thomas
Toward Trust in Internet of Things Ecosystems: Design Principles for Blockchain-Based IoT Applications[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT 2020(67) Lockl, Jannik Schlatt, Vincent Schweizer, Andre Urbach, Nils Harth, Natascha
Tarzan and chain: exploring the ICO jungle and evaluating design archetypes[J] ELECTRONIC MARKETS 2021 Bachmann, Nina M. Drasch, Benedict Fridgen, Gilbert Miksch, Michael Regner, Ferdinand Schweizer, Andre Urbach, Nils
Blockchain Won't Kill the Banks: Why Disintermediation Doesn't Work in International Trade Finance[J] COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2021(49) Fridgen, Gilbert Radszuwill, Sven Schweizer, Andre Urbach, Nils