To What Extent Will Blockchain Drive the Machine Economy? Perspectives From a Prospective Study[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT 2020(67) Schweizer, Andre Knoll, Patricia Urbach, Nils von der Gracht, Heiko Andreas Hardjono, Thomas
Toward an Interoperability Architecture for Blockchain Autonomous Systems[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT 2020(67) Hardjono, Thomas Lipton, Alexander Pentland, Alex
Towards an attestation architecture for blockchain networks[J] WORLD WIDE WEB-INTERNET AND WEB INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2021(24) Hardjono, Thomas Smith, Ned
What's Next in Blockchain Research? - An Identification of Key Topics Using a Multidisciplinary Perspective[J] DATA BASE FOR ADVANCES IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2021(52) Treiblmaier, Horst Swan, Melanie de Filippi, Primavera Lacity, Mary Hardjono, Thomas Kim, Henry