TrustBlkSys: A Trusted and Blockchained Cybersecure System for IIoT[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS 2023(19) Rathee, Geetanjali Kerrache, Chaker Abdelaziz Lahby, Mohamed
A Secure and Trusted Mechanism for Industrial IoT Network Using Blockchain[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS 2023(19) Rathee, Geetanjali Ahmad, Farhan Jaglan, Naveen Konstantinou, Charalambos
CRT-BIoV: A Cognitive Radio Technique for Blockchain-Enabled Internet of Vehicles[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 2021(22) Rathee, Geetanjali Ahmad, Farhan Kurugollu, Fatih Azad, Muhammad Ajmal Iqbal, Razi Imran, Muhammad
On the design and implementation of a secure blockchain-based hybrid framework for Industrial Internet-of-Things[J] INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT 2021(58) Rathee, Geetanjali Ahmad, Farhan Sandhu, Rajinder Kerrache, Chaker Abdelaziz Azad, Muhammad Ajmal
A secure and trusted context prediction for next generation autonomous vehicles[J] ALEXANDRIA ENGINEERING JOURNAL 2023(78) Rathee, Geetanjali Garg, Sahil Kaddoum, Georges Choi, Bong Jun Benslimane, Abderrahim Hassan, Mohammad Mehedi
A secure emotion aware intelligent system for Internet of healthcare[J] ALEXANDRIA ENGINEERING JOURNAL 2023(75) Rathee, Geetanjali Garg, Sahil Kaddoum, Georges Hassan, Mohammad Mehedi
Secure Blockchain-Internet of Vehicles (B-IoV) Mechanism using DPSO and M-ITA Algorithms[J] JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY AND APPLICATIONS 2022(64) Devi, Anju Rathee, Geetanjali Saini, Hemraj
A Secure Communicating Things Network Framework for Industrial IoT using Blockchain Technology[J] AD HOC NETWORKS 2019(94) Rathee, Geetanjali Sharma, Ashutosh Kumar, Rajiv Iqbal, Razi
A Blockchain Framework for Securing Connected and Autonomous Vehicles[J] SENSORS 2019(19) Rathee, Geetanjali Sharma, Ashutosh Iqbal, Razi Aloqaily, Moayad Jaglan, Naveen Kumar, Rajiv
A secure IoT sensors communication in industry 4.0 using blockchain technology[J] JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING 2020(12) Rathee, Geetanjali Balasaraswathi, M. Chandran, K. Prabhu Gupta, Sharmi Dev Boopathi, C. S.