TrustBlkSys: A Trusted and Blockchained Cybersecure System for IIoT[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS 2023(19) Rathee, Geetanjali Kerrache, Chaker Abdelaziz Lahby, Mohamed
On the design and implementation of a secure blockchain-based hybrid framework for Industrial Internet-of-Things[J] INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT 2021(58) Rathee, Geetanjali Ahmad, Farhan Sandhu, Rajinder Kerrache, Chaker Abdelaziz Azad, Muhammad Ajmal
NOTA: a novel online teaching and assessment scheme using Blockchain for emergency cases[J] EDUCATION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES 2021 Cheriguene, Anissa Kabache, Taieb Kerrache, Chaker Abdelaziz Calafate, Carlos T. Cano, Juan Carlos
Towards a trusted unmanned aerial system using blockchain for the protection of critical infrastructure[J] TRANSACTIONS ON EMERGING TELECOMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES 2019 Barka, Ezedin Kerrache, Chaker Abdelaziz Benkraouda, Hadjer Shuaib, Khaled Ahmad, Farhan Kurugollu, Fatih
Multi-Constrained and Edge-Enabled Selection of UAV Participants in Federated Learning Process[J] ELECTRONICS 2022(11) Dahmane, Sofiane Yagoubi, Mohamed Bachir Brik, Bouziane Kerrache, Chaker Abdelaziz Tavares Calafate, Carlos Lorenz, Pascal
STHM: A Secured and Trusted Healthcare Monitoring Architecture Using SDN and Blockchain[J] ELECTRONICS 2021(10) Barka, Ezedin Dahmane, Sofiane Kerrache, Chaker Abdelaziz Khayat, Mohamad Sallabi, Farag
Realization of Blockchain in Named Data Networking-Based Internet-of-Vehicles[J] IT PROFESSIONAL 2019(21) Ahmad, Farhan Kerrache, Chaker Abdelaziz Kurugollu, Fatih Hussain, Rasheed
Implementation of a Biometric-Based Blockchain System for Preserving Privacy, Security, and Access Control in Healthcare Records[J] JOURNAL OF SENSOR AND ACTUATOR NETWORKS 2022(11) Barka, Ezedin Al Baqari, Mohammed Kerrache, Chaker Abdelaziz Herrera-Tapia, Jorge
A trust-based mechanism for drones in smart cities[J] IET SMART CITIES Rathee, Geetanjali Kumar, Akshay Kerrache, Chaker Abdelaziz Iqbal, Razi