The Effects of Central Bank Digital Currencies News on Financial Markets[J] TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE 2022(180) Wang, Yizhi Lucey, Brian M. Vigne, Samuel A. Yarovaya, Larisa
Do financial volatilities mitigate the risk of cryptocurrency indexes?[J] FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 2022(50) Naeem, Muhammad Abubakr Lucey, Brian M. Karim, Sitara Ghafoor, Abdul
Examining the interrelatedness of NFTs, DeFi tokens and cryptocurrencies[J] FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 2022(47) Karim, Sitara Lucey, Brian M. Naeem, Muhammad Abubakr Uddin, Gazi Salah
The cryptocurrency uncertainty index[J] FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 2022(45) Lucey, Brian M. Vigne, Samuel A. Yarovaya, Larisa Wang, Yizhi
Unveiling commodities-financial markets intersections from a bibliometric perspective[J] RESOURCES POLICY 2023(83) Mbarki, Imen Khan, Muhammad Arif Karim, Sitara Paltrinieri, Andrea Lucey, Brian M.
Return spillover analysis across central bank digital currency attention and cryptocurrency markets[J] RESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE 2023(64) Wang, Yizhi Wei, Yu Lucey, Brian M. Su, Yang
Macro-financial implications of central bank digital currencies[J] RESEARCH IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS AND FINANCE 2023(64) Rehman, Mubeen Abdur Irfan, Muhammad Naeem, Muhammad Abubakr Lucey, Brian M. Karim, Sitara
What is the optimal weight for gold in a portfolio?[J] ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH 2019(297) Lucey, Brian M. Peat, Maurice Sevic, Aleksandar Vigne, Samuel A.
The dark side of Bitcoin: Do Emerging Asian Islamic markets help subdue the ethical risk?[J] EMERGING MARKETS REVIEW 2023(54) Karim, Sitara Lucey, Brian M. Naeem, Muhammad Abubakr Vigne, Samuel A.
Good versus bad information transmission in the cryptocurrency market: Evidence from high-frequency data[J] JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS INSTITUTIONS & MONEY 2022(81) Naeem, Muhammad Abubakr Iqbal, Najaf Lucey, Brian M. Karim, Sitara