Riding the Wave of Crypto-Exuberance: The Potential Misusage of Corporate Blockchain Announcements[J] TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE 2020(159) Akyildirim, Erdinc Corbet, Shaen Cumming, Douglas Lucey, Brian Sensoy, Ahmet
Understanding the FTX exchange collapse: A dynamic connectedness approach[J] FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 2023(53) Akyildirim, Erdinc Conlon, Thomas Corbet, Shaen Goodell, John W.
Seeking sigma: Time-of-the-day effects on the Bitcoin network[J] FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 2022(49) Jahanshahloo, Hossein Corbet, Shaen Oxley, Les
What drives DeFi prices? Investigating the effects of investor attention[J] FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 2022(48) Corbet, Shaen Goodell, John W. Gunay, Samet
Cryptocurrency liquidity and volatility interrelationships during the COVID-19 pandemic[J] FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 2022(45) Corbet, Shaen Hou, Yang (Greg) Hu, Yang Larkin, Charles Lucey, Brian Oxley, Les
The relationship between implied volatility and cryptocurrency returns[J] FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 2020(33) Akyildirim, Erdinc Corbet, Shaen Lucey, Brian Sensoy, Ahmet Yarovaya, Larisa
The influence of Bitcoin on portfolio diversification and design[J] FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 2020(37) Akhtaruzzaman, Md Sensoy, Ahmet Corbet, Shaen
The contagion effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from gold and cryptocurrencies[J] FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 2020(35) Corbet, Shaen Larkin, Charles Lucey, Brian
The development of Bitcoin futures: Exploring the interactions between cryptocurrency derivatives[J] FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 2020(34) Akyildirim, Erdinc Corbet, Shaen Katsiampa, Paraskevi Kellard, Neil Sensoy, Ahmet
The effectiveness of technical trading rules in cryptocurrency markets[J] FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 2019(31) Corbet, Shaen Eraslan, Veysel Lucey, Brian Sensoy, Ahmet