Circular supply chain management with blockchain technology: A dynamic capabilities view[J] TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW 2023(176) Meier, Oliver Gruchmann, Tim Ivanov, Dmitry
The impact of digital technology and Industry 4.0 on the ripple effect and supply chain risk analytics[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH 2019(57) Ivanov, Dmitry Dolgui, Alexandre Sokolov, Boris
Blockchain-oriented dynamic modelling of smart contract design and execution in the supply chain[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH 2019(58) Dolgui, Alexandre Ivanov, Dmitry Potryasaev, Semyon Sokolov, Boris Ivanova, Marina Werner, Frank
5G in digital supply chain and operations management: fostering flexibility, end-to-end connectivity and real-time visibility through internet-of-everything[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH Dolgui, Alexandre Ivanov, Dmitry