Achieving carbon neutrality via supply chain management: position paper and editorial for IJPR special issue[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH 2023(61) Koh, S. C. Lenny Jia, Fu (Jeff) Gong, Yu (Jack) Zheng, Xiaoxue Dolgui, Alexandre
The impact of digital technology and Industry 4.0 on the ripple effect and supply chain risk analytics[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH 2019(57) Ivanov, Dmitry Dolgui, Alexandre Sokolov, Boris
Blockchain-oriented dynamic modelling of smart contract design and execution in the supply chain[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH 2019(58) Dolgui, Alexandre Ivanov, Dmitry Potryasaev, Semyon Sokolov, Boris Ivanova, Marina Werner, Frank
5G in digital supply chain and operations management: fostering flexibility, end-to-end connectivity and real-time visibility through internet-of-everything[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH Dolgui, Alexandre Ivanov, Dmitry