Blockchain in the AECO industry: Current status, key topics, and future research agenda[J] AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION 2022(134) Xu, Yongshun Chong, Heap-Yih Chi, Ming
Blockchain-smart contracts for sustainable project performance: bibliometric and content analyses[J] ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY Cheng, Mengyuan Chong, Heap-Yih Xu, Yongshun
Modelling the blockchain adoption barriers in the AEC industry[J] ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION AND ARCHITECTURAL MANAGEMENT Xu, Yongshun Chong, Heap-Yih Chi, Ming
Factors Influencing the Adoption of Blockchain in the Construction Industry: A Hybrid Approach Using PLS-SEM and fsQCA[J] BUILDINGS 2022(12) Li, Chunhao Zhang, Yuqian Xu, Yongshun