Blockchain Empowered Differentially Private and Auditable Data Publishing in Industrial IoT[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS 2021(17) Xu, Lei Bao, Ting Zhu, Liehuang
DIoTA: Decentralized-Ledger-Based Framework for Data Authenticity Protection in IoT Systems[J] IEEE NETWORK 2020(34) Xu, Lei Chen, Lin Gao, Zhimin Fan, Xinxin Suh, Taeweon Shi, Weidong
Permissioned Blockchain and Edge Computing Empowered Privacy-Preserving Smart Grid Networks[J] IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL 2019(6) Gai, Keke Wu, Yulu Zhu, Liehuang Xu, Lei Zhang, Yan
Toward a Secure, Rich, and Fair Query Service for Light Clients on Public Blockchains[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING 2022(19) Cai, Chengjun Xu, Lei Zhou, Anxin Wang, Cong
Hedging effectiveness of bitcoin and gold: Evidence from G7 stock markets[J] JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MARKETS INSTITUTIONS & MONEY 2023(85) Xu, Lei Kinkyo, Takuji
Supporting Blockchain-Based Cryptocurrency Mobile Payment With Smart Devices[J] IEEE CONSUMER ELECTRONICS MAGAZINE 2020(9) Xu, Lei Chen, Lin Gao, Zhimin Carranco, Larry Fan, Xinxin Shah, Nolan Diallo, Nour Shi, Weidong
Blockchain-Empowered Privacy-Preserving Digital Object Trading in the Metaverse[J] IEEE MULTIMEDIA 2023(30) Xiao, Yao Xu, Lei Zhang, Can Zhu, Liehuang Zhang, Yan
TCA-PEKS: Trusted certificateless authentication public-key encryption with keyword search scheme in cloud storage[J] PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKING AND APPLICATIONS Han, Mu Xu, Puyi Xu, Lei Xu, Chungen
Decentralized Machine Learning Governance: Overview, Opportunities, and Challenges[J] IEEE ACCESS 2023(11) Alsagheer, Dana Xu, Lei Shi, Weidong
Blockchain-Based Decentralized Power Dispatching Model for Power Grids Integrated with Renewable Energy and Flexible Load[J] PROCESSES 2023(11) Xu, Lei Yu, Dong Zhou, Jinyu Jin, Chaowu