Peer-to-peer energy trading and smart contracting platform of community-based virtual power plant[J] FRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH 2023(10) Guo, Mingxing Zhang, Ke Wang, Su Xia, Jinlei Wang, Xiaohui Lan, Li Wang, Lingling
Optimizing smart contract vulnerability detection via multi-modality code and entropy embedding[J] JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE 2023(202) Yuan, Dawei Wang, Xiaohui Li, Yao Zhang, Tao
An Improved H-Algorand Consensus Mechanism With Credibility Assessment Applying in EMR Storage System[J] IEEE ACCESS 2022(10) Sun, Weiqing Sun, Jiatai Wang, Xiaohui Sun, Junling Chai, Yunzhou Wang, Lihua
A Blockchain Based Approach for Event-driven Peer to Peer Energy Trading[C] 2023 IEEE IAS GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON RENEWABLE ENERGY AND HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGIES, GLOBCONHT 2023 Liu, Yongqing Huang, Qibin Li, Zihao Wang, Zhen Wang, Xiaohui Wu, Hang Huang, Hui Wen, Fushuan