Supply network design to address United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: A case study of blockchain implementation in Thai fish industry[J] JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH 2021(131) Tsolakis, Naoum Niedenzu, Denis Simonetto, Melissa Dora, Manoj Kumar, Mukesh
Data-driven secure, resilient and sustainable supply chains: gaps, opportunities, and a new generalised data sharing and data monetisation framework[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH 2021 Bechtsis, Dimitrios Tsolakis, Naoum Iakovou, Eleftherios Vlachos, Dimitrios
Artificial intelligence and blockchain implementation in supply chains: a pathway to sustainability and data monetisation?[J] ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH Tsolakis, Naoum Schumacher, Roman Dora, Manoj Kumar, Mukesh