Central bank digital currencies risk becoming a digital Leviathan[J] NATURE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR Baronchelli, Andrea Halaburda, Hanna Teytelboym, Alexander
Designing Decentralized Markets for Distribution System Flexibility[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS 2019(34) Morstyn, Thomas Teytelboym, Alexander McCulloch, Malcolm D.
Emergence and structure of decentralised trade networks around dark web marketplaces[J] SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2022(12) Nadini, Matthieu Bracci, Alberto ElBahrawy, Abeer Gradwell, Philip Teytelboym, Alexander Baronchelli, Andrea
Collective dynamics of dark web marketplaces[J] SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020(10) ElBahrawy, Abeer Alessandretti, Laura Rusnac, Leonid Goldsmith, Daniel Teytelboym, Alexander Baronchelli, Andrea
Dark Web Marketplaces and COVID-19: before the vaccine[J] EPJ DATA SCIENCE 2021(10) Bracci, Alberto Nadini, Matthieu Aliapoulios, Maxwell McCoy, Damon Gray, Ian Teytelboym, Alexander Gallo, Angela Baronchelli, Andrea