From Industry 4.0 to Agriculture 4.0: Current Status, Enabling Technologies, and Research Challenges[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS 2021(17) Liu, Ye Ma, Xiaoyuan Shu, Lei Hancke, Gerhard Petrus Abu-Mahfouz, Adnan M.
The Performance Evaluation of Blockchain-Based Security and Privacy Systems for the Internet of Things: A Tutorial[J] IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL 2021(8) Ferrag, Mohamed Amine Shu, Lei
A Data Set Accuracy Weighted Random Forest Algorithm for IoT Fault Detection Based on Edge Computing and Blockchain[J] IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL 2021(8) Zhang, Wenbo Wang, Jiaxing Han, Guangjie Huang, Shuqiang Feng, Yongxin Shu, Lei
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LDC: A lightweight dada consensus algorithm based on the blockchain for the industrial Internet of Things for smart city applications[J] FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE 2020(108) Zhang, Wenbo Wu, Zonglin Han, Guangjie Feng, Yongxin Shu, Lei
Efficient Workload Allocation and User-Centric Utility Maximization for Task Scheduling in Collaborative Vehicular Edge Computing[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY 2021(70) Huang, Xumin Yu, Rong Ye, Dongdong Shu, Lei Xie, Shengli
Federated Deep Learning for Cyber Security in the Internet of Things: Concepts, Applications, and Experimental Analysis[J] IEEE ACCESS 2021(9) Ferrag, Mohamed Amine Friha, Othmane Maglaras, Leandros Janicke, Helge Shu, Lei
EdgeCare: Leveraging Edge Computing for Collaborative Data Management in Mobile Healthcare Systems[J] IEEE ACCESS 2019(7) Li, Xiaohuan Huang, Xumin Li, Chunhai Yu, Rong Shu, Lei
Deep Learning-Based Intrusion Detection for Distributed Denial of Service Attack in Agriculture 4.0[J] ELECTRONICS 2021(10) Ferrag, Mohamed Amine Shu, Lei Djallel, Hamouda Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond