CEPchain: A graphical model-driven solution for integrating complex event processing and blockchain[J] EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS 2021(184) Boubeta-Puig, Juan Rosa-Bilbao, Jesus Mendling, Jan
EDALoCo: Enhancing the accessibility of blockchains through a low-code approach to the development of event-driven applications for smart contract management[J] COMPUTER STANDARDS & INTERFACES 2023(84) Rosa-Bilbao, Jesus Boubeta-Puig, Juan Rutle, Adrian
Node4Chain: Extending Node-RED Low-Code Tool for Monitoring Blockchain Networks[C] SERVICE-ORIENTED COMPUTING - ICSOC 2022 WORKSHOPS 2023(13821) Rosa-Bilbao, Jesus Boubeta-Puig, Juan
Towards Real-Time Monitoring of Blockchain Networks Through a Low-Code Tool[C] SERVICE-ORIENTED COMPUTING - ICSOC 2022 WORKSHOPS 2023(13821) Rosa-Bilbao, Jesus Boubeta-Puig, Juan