Analysis of Blockchain's enablers for improving sustainable supply chain transparency in Africa cocoa industry[J] JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 2022(358) Bai, Chunguang Quayson, Matthew Sarkis, Joseph
Building blockchain-driven dynamic capabilities for developing circular supply chain: Rethinking the role of sensing, seizing, and reconfiguring[J] BUSINESS STRATEGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT Quayson, Matthew Bai, Chunguang Sun, Lihua Sarkis, Joseph
COVID-19 pandemic digitization lessons for sustainable development of micro-and small-enterprises[J] SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION 2021(27) Bai, Chunguang Quayson, Matthew Sarkis, Joseph
Technology for Social Good Foundations: A Perspective From the Smallholder Farmer in Sustainable Supply Chains[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT 2021(68) Quayson, Matthew Bai, Chunguang Sarkis, Joseph