The chaotic, self-similar and hierarchical patterns in Bitcoin and Ethereum price series[J] CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 2022(165) Partida, Alberto Gerassis, Saki Criado, Regino Romance, Miguel Giraldez, Eduardo Taboada, Javier
Heterogeneous Preferential Attachment in Key Ethereum-Based Cryptoassets[J] FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS 2021(9) De Collibus, Francesco Maria Partida, Alberto Piskorec, Matija Tessone, Claudio J.
The Structural Role of Smart Contracts and Exchanges in the Centralisation of Ethereum-Based Cryptoassets[J] ENTROPY 2022(24) De Collibus, Francesco Maria Piskorec, Matija Partida, Alberto Tessone, Claudio J.
Modeling Bitcoin plus Ethereum as an Open System of Systems of Public Blockchains to Improve Their Resilience against Intentional Risk[J] ELECTRONICS 2022(11) Partida, Alberto Gerassis, Saki Criado, Regino Romance, Miguel Giraldez, Eduardo Taboada, Javier
Identity and Access Management Resilience against Intentional Risk for Blockchain-Based IOT Platforms[J] ELECTRONICS 2021(10) Partida, Alberto Criado, Regino Romance, Miguel
Visibility Graph Analysis of IOTA and IoTeX Price Series: An Intentional Risk-Based Strategy to Use 5G for IoT[J] ELECTRONICS 2021(10) Partida, Alberto Criado, Regino Romance, Miguel
The Role of Smart Contracts in the Transaction Networks of Four Key DeFi-Collateral Ethereum-Based Tokens[C] COMPLEX NETWORKS & THEIR APPLICATIONS X, VOL 1 2022(1015) De Collibus, Francesco Maria Partida, Alberto Piskorec, Matija