On the Design of a Flexible Delegation Model for the Internet of Things Using Blockchain[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS 2020(16) Pal, Shantanu Rabehaja, Tahiry Hitchens, Michael Varadharajan, Vijay Hill, Ambrose
Device Identification in Blockchain-Based Internet of Things[J] IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL 2022(9) Dorri, Ali Roulin, Clemence Pal, Shantanu Baalbaki, Sarah Jurdak, Raja Kanhere, Salil S.
On the Integration of Blockchain to the Internet of Things for Enabling Access Right Delegation[J] IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL 2020(7) Pal, Shantanu Rabehaja, Tahiry Hill, Ambrose Hitchens, Michael Varadharajan, Vijay
Blockchain for IoT access control: Recent trends and future research directions[J] JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS 2022(203) Pal, Shantanu Dorri, Ali Jurdak, Raja
A blockchain-based trust management framework with verifiable interactions[J] COMPUTER NETWORKS 2021(200) Pal, Shantanu Hill, Ambrose Rabehaja, Tahiry Hitchens, Michael