Analysis of the Features and Structure Behind Availability in Blockchain Using Altcoin[J] IEEE ACCESS 2022(10) Imamura, Mitsuyoshi Omote, Kazumasa
Blockchain-Based Autonomous Notarization System Using National eID Card[J] IEEE ACCESS 2022(10) Haga, Shinya Omote, Kazumasa
An Anonymous Trust-Marking Scheme on Blockchain Systems[J] IEEE ACCESS 2021(9) Sato, Teppei Emura, Keita Fujitani, Tomoki Omote, Kazumasa
IoT-Based Autonomous Pay-As-You-Go Payment System with the Contract Wallet[J] SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS 2021(2021) Haga, Shinya Omote, Kazumasa
Preventing SNS Impersonation: A Blockchain-Based Approach*[J] IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS 2023(E106D) Chen, Zhanwen Omote, Kazumasa
Multi Pair Swap-Based Weather Derivative DeFi[C] 2022 IEEE 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE QUALITY, RELIABILITY, AND SECURITY COMPANION, QRS-C 2022 Haga, Shinya Takahashi, Taisei Omote, Kazumasa