Exploring the Attack Surface of Blockchain: A Comprehensive Survey[J] IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS AND TUTORIALS 2020(22) Saad, Muhammad Spaulding, Jeffrey Njilla, Laurent Kamhoua, Charles Shetty, Sachin Nyang, DaeHun Mohaisen, David
A Survey on Ethereum Systems Security: Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Defenses[J] ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS 2020(53) Chen, Huashan Pendleton, Marcus Njilla, Laurent Xu, Shouhuai
Measuring Decentrality in Blockchain Based Systems[J] IEEE ACCESS 2020(8) Gochhayat, Sarada Prasad Shetty, Sachin Mukkamala, Ravi Foytik, Peter Kamhoua, Georges A. Njilla, Laurent