A trusted consensus fusion scheme for decentralized collaborated learning in massive IoT domain[J] INFORMATION FUSION 2021(72) Wang, Ke Chen, Chien-Ming Liang, Zuodong Hassan, Mohammad Mehedi Sarne, Giuseppe M. L. Fotia, Lidia Fortino, Giancarlo
PoRX: A reputation incentive scheme for blockchain consensus of IIoT[J] FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE 2020(102) Wang, Eric Ke Liang, Zuodong Chen, Chien-Ming Kumari, Saru Khan, Muhammad Khurram
Proof of X-repute blockchain consensus protocol for IoT systems[J] COMPUTERS & SECURITY 2020(95) Wang, Eric Ke Sun, RuiPei Chen, Chien-Ming Liang, Zuodong Kumari, Saru Khan, Muhammad Khurram