Enhancing the security of blockchain-based software defined networking through trust-based traffic fusion and filtration[J] INFORMATION FUSION 2021(70) Meng, Weizhi Li, Wenjuan Zhou, Jianying
Enhancing Medical Smartphone Networks via Blockchain-Based Trust Management Against Insider Attacks[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT 2020(67) Meng, Weizhi Li, Wenjuan Zhu, Liqiu
Designing collaborative blockchained signature-based intrusion detection in IoT environments[J] FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE 2019(96) Li, Wenjuan Tug, Steven Meng, Weizhi Wang, Yu
A blockchain-empowered AAA scheme in the large-scale HetNet[J] DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS 2021(7) Shi, Na Tan, Liang Li, Wenjuan Qi, Xin Yu, Keping
2D2PS: A demand-driven privacy-preserving scheme for anonymous data sharing in smart grids[J] JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY AND APPLICATIONS 2023(74) Chang, Yuan Li, Jiliang Li, Wenjuan
RON-enhanced blockchain propagation mechanism for edge-enabled smart cities[J] JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY AND APPLICATIONS 2021(61) Huang, Junjie Tan, Liang Li, Wenjuan Yu, Keping
Towards blockchain-enabled single character frequency-based exclusive signature matching in IoT-assisted smart cities[J] JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING 2020(144) Meng, Weizhi Li, Wenjuan Tug, Steven Tan, Jiao
A blockchain-assisted security management framework for collaborative intrusion detection in smart cities[J] COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 2023(111) Li, Wenjuan Stidsen, Christian Adam, Tobias
Toward a blockchain-based framework for challenge-based collaborative intrusion detection[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY 2020(20) Li, Wenjuan Wang, Yu Li, Jin Au, Man Ho
Enhancing challenge-based collaborative intrusion detection networks against insider attacks using blockchain[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SECURITY 2020(19) Meng, Weizhi Li, Wenjuan Yang, Laurence T. Li, Peng