Blockchain based energy trading scheme for vehicle-to-vehicle using decentralized identifiers[J] APPLIED ENERGY 2022(322) Kim, Myeonghyun Lee, Joonyoung Oh, Jihyeon Park, Kisung Park, Youngho Park, Kilhoum
Blockchain based energy trading scheme for vehicle-to-vehicle using decentralized identifiers[J] APPLIED ENERGY 2022(322) Kim, Myeonghyun Lee, Joonyoung Oh, Jihyeon Park, Kisung Park, Youngho Park, Kilhoum
BPPS:Blockchain-Enabled Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Demand-Response Management in Smart Grid Environments[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING 2023(20) Park, KiSung Lee, JoonYoung Das, Ashok Kumar Park, Youngho
BPPS:Blockchain-Enabled Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Demand-Response Management in Smart Grid Environments[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DEPENDABLE AND SECURE COMPUTING 2023(20) Park, KiSung Lee, JoonYoung Das, Ashok Kumar Park, Youngho
A Secure Data Sharing Based on Key Aggregate Searchable Encryption in Fog-Enabled IoT Environment[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2022(9) Oh, Jihyeon Lee, JoonYoung Kim, MyeongHyun Park, Youngho Park, KiSung Noh, SungKee
Blockchain-Based Data Access Control and Key Agreement System in IoT Environment[J] SENSORS 2023(23) Lee, JoonYoung Kim, MyeongHyun Park, KiSung Noh, SungKee Bisht, Abhishek Das, Ashok Kumar Park, Youngho
Design of Secure Protocol for Cloud-Assisted Electronic Health Record System Using Blockchain[J] SENSORS 2020(20) Kim, MyeongHyun Yu, SungJin Lee, JoonYoung Park, YoHan Park, YoungHo
A Secure Charging System for Electric Vehicles Based on Blockchain[J] SENSORS 2019(19) Kim, MyeongHyun Park, KiSung Yu, SungJin Lee, JoonYoung Park, YoungHo Lee, Sang-Woo Chung, BoHeung
Design of Secure Mutual Authentication Scheme for Metaverse Environments Using Blockchain[J] IEEE ACCESS 2022(10) Ryu, Jongseok Son, Seunghwan Lee, Joonyoung Park, Yohan Park, Youngho
On the Design of a Privacy-Preserving Communication Scheme for Cloud-Based Digital Twin Environments Using Blockchain[J] IEEE ACCESS 2022(10) Son, Seunghwan Kwon, Deokkyu Lee, Joonyoung Yu, Sungjin Jho, Nam-Su Park, Youngho