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GDPR-Compliant Personal Data Management: A Blockchain-Based Solution[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION FORENSICS AND SECURITY 2020(15) Nguyen Binh Truong Sun, Kai Lee, Gyu Myoung Guo, Yike
BAT-Block Analytics Tool Integrated with Blockchain Based IoT Platform[J] ELECTRONICS 2020(9) Edussuriya, Chathurangi Vithanage, Kasun Bandara, Namila Alawatugoda, Janaka Sandirigama, Manjula Jayasinghe, Upul Shone, Nathan Lee, Gyu Myoung
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Blockchain-based Perfect Sharing Project Platform based on the Proof of Atomicity Consensus Algorithm[J] TEHNICKI VJESNIK-TECHNICAL GAZETTE 2020(27) Lee, Eunhee Yoon, Yongik Lee, Gyu Myoung Um, Tai-Won