Modeling the blockchain enabled traceability in agriculture supply chain[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 2020(52) Kamble, Sachin S. Gunasekaran, Angappa Sharma, Rohit
Antecedents of Blockchain-Enabled E-commerce Platforms (BEEP) adoption by customers-A study of second-hand small and medium apparel retailers[J] JOURNAL OF BUSINESS RESEARCH 2022(149) Jain, Geetika Kamble, Sachin S. Ndubisi, Nelson Oly Shrivastava, Archana Belhadi, Amine Venkatesh, Mani
A machine learning based approach for predicting blockchain adoption in supply Chain[J] TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE 2021(163) Kamble, Sachin S. Gunasekaran, Angappa Kumar, Vikas Belhadi, Amine Foropon, Cyril
Blockchain and IoT embedded sustainable virtual closed-loop supply chain in E-commerce towards the circular economy[J] COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING 2022(172) Prajapati, Dhirendra Jauhar, Sunil Kumar Gunasekaran, Angappa Kamble, Sachin S. Pratap, Saurabh
Exploration of barriers and enablers of blockchain adoption for sustainable performance: implications for e-enabled agriculture supply chains[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOGISTICS-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS Zkik, Karim Belhadi, Amine Khan, Syed Abdul Rehman Kamble, Sachin S. Oudani, Mustapha Touriki, Fatima Ezahra
Blockchain technology's impact on supply chain integration and sustainable supply chain performance: evidence from the automotive industry[J] ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH 2021 Kamble, Sachin S. Gunasekaran, Angappa Subramanian, Nachiappan Ghadge, Abhijeet Belhadi, Amine Venkatesh, Mani