Time-of-day periodicities of trading volume and volatility in Bitcoin exchange: Does the stock market matter?[J] FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS 2020(34) Wang, Jying-Nan Liu, Hung-Chun Hsu, Yuan-Teng
FoMO in the Bitcoin market: Revisiting and factors[J] QUARTERLY REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCE 2023(89) Wang, Jying-Nan Liu, Hung -Chun Lee, Yen-Hsien Hsu, Yuan-Teng
How does the informed trading impact Bitcoin returns and volatility?[J] APPLIED ECONOMICS 2020(53) Wang, Jying-Nan Liu, Hung-Chun Zhang, Shuang Hsu, Yuan-Teng
On the predictive power of ARJI volatility forecasts for Bitcoin[J] APPLIED ECONOMICS 2019(51) Wang, Jying-Nan Liu, Hung-Chun Chiang, Shu-Mei Hsu, Yuan-Teng
Triangular No-arbitrage Estimation through Bitcoin: An Application in Venezuelan Bolivars[J] ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL STUDIES 2018(47) Wang, Jying-Nan Hsu, Yuan-Teng Chen, Chih-Chun