A Novel Multitier Blockchain Architecture to Protect Data in Smart Metering Systems[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT 2020(67) Olivares-Rojas, Juan Carlos Reyes-Archundia, Enrique Gutierrez-Gnecchi, Jose A. Cerda-Jacobo, Jaime Gonzalez-Murueta, Johan W.
A Transactive Energy Model for Smart Metering Systems Using Blockchain[J] CSEE JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY SYSTEMS 2021(7) Olivares-Rojas, Juan C. Reyes-Archundia, Enrique Gutierrez-Gnecchi, Jose A. Molina-Moreno, Ismael Cerda-Jacobo, Jaime Mendez-Patino, Arturo