Critical Controlling for the Network Security and Privacy Based on Blockchain Technology: A Fuzzy DEMATEL Approach[J] SUSTAINABILITY 2023(15) Kamalov, Firuz Gheisari, Mehdi Liu, Yang Feylizadeh, Mohammad Reza Moussa, Sherif
A blockchain-based privacy-preserving advertising attribution architecture: Requirements, design, and a prototype implementation[J] SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE Liu, Yang Lin, Liangjie Jiang, Lin Zhang, Weizhe Wang, Xuan Gheisari, Mehdi Gong, Tao Gao, Chao Najafabadi, Hamid Esmaeili
Recent trends towards privacy-preservation in Internet of Things, its challenges and future directions[J] IET CIRCUITS DEVICES & SYSTEMS Yaraziz, Mahdi Safaei Jalili, Ahmad Gheisari, Mehdi Liu, Yang