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Cryptocurrencies activity as a complex network: Analysis of transactions graphs[J] PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKING AND APPLICATIONS 2021 Serena, Luca Ferretti, Stefano D'Angelo, Gabriele
A Framework Based on Distributed Ledger Technologies for Data Management and Services in Intelligent Transportation Systems[J] IEEE ACCESS 2020(8) Zichichi, Mirko Ferretti, Stefano D'angelo, Gabriele
Data governance through a multi-DLT architecture in view of the GDPR[J] CLUSTER COMPUTING-THE JOURNAL OF NETWORKS SOFTWARE TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS Zichichi, Mirko Ferretti, Stefano D'Angelo, Gabriele Rodriguez-Doncel, Victor
Simulation of the Internet Computer Protocol: the Next Generation Multi-Blockchain Architecture[C] 2022 IEEE/ACM 26TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DISTRIBUTED SIMULATION AND REAL TIME APPLICATIONS (DS-RT) 2022 Serena, Luca Li, AoXuan Zichichi, Mirko D'Angelo, Gabriele Ferretti, Stefano Tang, Su-Kit