Preserving Privacy in Mobile Health Systems Using Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proof and Blockchain[J] IEEE ACCESS 2020(8) Tomaz, Antonio Emerson Barros Do Nascimento, Jose Claudio Hafid, Abdelhakim Senhaji De Souza, Jose Neuman
Blockchain-based whistleblowing service to solve the problem of journalistic conflict of interest[J] ANNALS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS 2021 Tomaz, Antonio Emerson B. Nascimento, Jose Claudio do de Souza, Jose Neuman
Heimdall: Blockchain-Based Consent Management Framework[C] 2023 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION NETWORKING, ICOIN 2023 Vieira Filho, Francisco Mardonio de Alcantara Batista, Bruno Lopes Celestino Junior, Joaquim de Souza, Jose Neuman
Modeling Blockchain E-health Systems[C] PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH EURO-AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON TELEMATICS AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS (EATIS 2020) 2020 Coutinho, Emanuel F. Neto, Mauricio M. Abreu, Antonio Welligton Moreira, Leonardo O. Bezerra, Carla I. M. Paillard, Gabriel de Souza, Jose Neuman