Blockchain-Based One-Time Authentication for Secure V2X Communication Against Insiders and Authority Compromise Attacks[J] IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL 2023(10) Noh, Jaewon Kwon, Yongseok Son, Junggab Cho, Sunghyun
Blockchain-Based One-Time Authentication for Secure V2X Communication Against Insiders and Authority Compromise Attacks[J] IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL 2023(10) Noh, Jaewon Kwon, Yongseok Son, Junggab Cho, Sunghyun
Graph Learning-Based Blockchain Phishing Account Detection with a Heterogeneous Transaction Graph[J] SENSORS 2023(23) Kim, Jaehyeon Lee, Sejong Kim, Yushin Ahn, Seyoung Cho, Sunghyun
SELCOM: Selective Compression Scheme for Lightweight Nodes in Blockchain System[J] IEEE ACCESS 2020(8) Kim, Teasung Lee, Sejong Kwon, Yongseok Noh, Jaewon Kim, Soohyeong Cho, Sunghyun