A Fair Method for Distributing Collective Assets in the Stellar Blockchain Financial Network[J] SUSTAINABILITY 2022(14) Shamsi, Kiarash Shayegan, Mohammad Javad Uddin, Mueen Chen, Chin-Ling
Blockchain-Based Community Safety Security System with IoT Secure Devices[J] SUSTAINABILITY 2021(13) Chen, Chin-Ling Lim, Zi-Yi Liao, Hsien-Chou
Museum-Authorization of Digital Rights: A Sustainable and Traceable Cultural Relics Exhibition Mechanism[J] SUSTAINABILITY 2021(13) Wang, Yun-Ciao Chen, Chin-Ling Deng, Yong-Yuan
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A Traceable Vaccine Supply Management System[J] SENSORS 2022(22) Ai, Yaohong Chen, Chin-Ling Weng, Wei Chiang, Mao-Lun Deng, Yong-Yuan Lim, Zi-Yi
A Secure and Traceable Vehicles and Parts System Based on Blockchain and Smart Contract[J] SENSORS 2022(22) Chen, Chin-Ling Zhu, Zhi-Peng Zhou, Ming Tsaur, Woei-Jiunn Wu, Chih-Ming Sun, Hongyu
A Comparative Analysis on Blockchain versus Centralized Authentication Architectures for IoT-Enabled Smart Devices in Smart Cities: A Comprehensive Review, Recent Advances, and Future Research Directions[J] SENSORS 2022(22) Khalil, Usman Malik, Owais Ahmed Uddin, Mueen Chen, Chin-Ling
A Highly Secure IoT Firmware Update Mechanism Using Blockchain[J] SENSORS 2022(22) Tsaur, Woei-Jiunn Chang, Jen-Chun Chen, Chin-Ling
Authorized Shared Electronic Medical Record System with Proxy Re-Encryption and Blockchain Technology[J] SENSORS 2021(21) Chen, Weizhe Zhu, Shunzhi Li, Jianmin Wu, Jiaxin Chen, Chin-Ling Deng, Yong-Yuan
A Lightweight Anonymous Authentication and Secure Communication Scheme for Fog Computing Services[J] IEEE ACCESS 2021(9) Weng, Chi-Yao Li, Chun-Ta Chen, Chin-Ling Lee, Cheng-Chi Deng, Yong-Yuan