Secure and transparent pharmaceutical supply chain using permissioned blockchain network[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LOGISTICS-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS Babu, Erukala Suresh Kavati, Ilaiah Nayak, Soumya Ranjan Ghosh, Uttam Al Numay, Waleed
Sec-edge: Trusted blockchain system for enabling the identification and authentication of edge based 5G networks[J] COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS 2023(199) Babu, Erukala Suresh Barthwal, Amogh Kaluri, Rajesh
Blockchain-based Intrusion Detection System of IoT urban data with device authentication against DDoS attacks[J] COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 2022(103) Babu, Erukala Suresh SrinivasaRao, B. K. M. Nayak, Soumya Ranjan Verma, Amit Alqahtani, Fayez Tolba, Amr Mukherjee, Amrit
A distributed identity-based authentication scheme for internet of things devices using permissioned blockchain system[J] EXPERT SYSTEMS Babu, Erukala Suresh Dadi, Ajay Kumar Singh, Krishna Kant Nayak, Soumya Ranjan Bhoi, Akash Kumar Singh, Akansha
Fog-Sec: Secure end-to-end communication in fog-enabled IoT network using permissioned blockchain system[J] INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NETWORK MANAGEMENT 2023 Babu, Erukala Suresh Rao, Mekala Srinivasa Swain, Gandharba Nikhath, A. Kousar Kaluri, Rajesh