Blockchain-Based Secured IPFS-Enable Event Storage Technique With Authentication Protocol in VANET[J] IEEE-CAA JOURNAL OF AUTOMATICA SINICA 2021(8) Dwivedi, Sanjeev Kumar Amin, Ruhul Vollala, Satyanarayana
An Unlinkable Authenticated Key Agreement With Collusion Resistant for VANETs[J] IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY 2021(70) Li, Xinghua Liu, Jiao Obaidat, Mohammad S. Vijayakumar, P. Jiang, Qi Amin, Ruhul
Design of secured blockchain based decentralized authentication protocol for sensor networks with auditing and accountability[J] COMPUTER COMMUNICATIONS 2023(197) Dwivedi, Sanjeev Kumar Amin, Ruhul Vollala, Satyanarayana
Blockchain-based vehicular ad-hoc networks: A comprehensive survey[J] AD HOC NETWORKS 2022(137) Dwivedi, Sanjeev Kumar Amin, Ruhul Das, Ashok Kumar Leung, Mark T. Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond Vollala, Satyanarayana
Smart contract and IPFS-based trustworthy secure data storage and device authentication scheme in fog computing environment[J] PEER-TO-PEER NETWORKING AND APPLICATIONS Dwivedi, Sanjeev Kumar Amin, Ruhul Vollala, Satyanarayana
Blockchain-Based Electronic Medical Records System with Smart Contract and Consensus Algorithm in Cloud Environment[J] SECURITY AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS 2022(2022) Dwivedi, Sanjeev Kumar Amin, Ruhul Lazarus, Jegatha Deborah Pandi, Vijayakumar
Blockchain based security protocol for device to device secure communication in internet of things networks[J] SECURITY AND PRIVACY Chandrakar, Palak Bagga, Rashi Kumar, Yogesh Dwivedi, Sanjeev Kumar Amin, Ruhul