Fu Xiang; Wang Huaimin; Shi Peichang; Zhang Xunhui
【Abstract】Blockchain offers new ways to the data sharing-based collaboration among IoT devices when a centralized IT infrastructure is unavailable. As one of the critical elements in a Blockchain system, the existing consensus algorithms still have some weaknesses, such as energy-wasting, low throughput, high latency, and increased network communication requirements. In this paper, we focus on designing a highly efficient Blockchain consensus algorithm for data sharing among IoT devices. We present the detailed design of Teegraph, which is a Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)-based consensus algorithm. A proof-of-concept implementation of Teegraph is presented. The simulation results demonstrate that TEE usage in Teegraph is more efficient than that of the existing state of the art TEE-based consensus algorithms such as MinBFT and MinZyzzyva. Moreover, Teegraph outperforms Hashgraph, one of the most popular DAG-based consensus algorithms in throughput and latency.
【Keywords】Blockchain; Consensus algorithm; IoT; Data sharing; TEE; DAG
【标题】Teegraph: 一种基于TEE和DAG的区块链共识算法,用于物联网的数据共享